Website Project Ideas
• Site title – The exerciser
• Developer – Michaela Brooks
• Rational or focus -
The goal of this site is to
provide knowledge and ideas about how to implement exercise into your daily
life. High school
students are the intended readers, however anybody can benefit from this site.
It is intended to educate high school students how to exercise at the gym or at
home. Too often people pay for a gym pass, but have no idea how to work out.
This site will not only educate students on different exercises, it will teach
them how to create a routine that best meets their needs as an exerciser.
• Main features outline - The main features of this site will include a monthly exercise routine
focusing on one major muscle group. This is for the minimalist exerciser
or the competitive readers. There will be an option to choose gym, or home
which will lead the reader to a list of exercises and workout routines for them
to perform either at the gym or at home. The reason to provide both is to teach
students what to do at the gym, and provide options for those without a gym
• Content - Number of individual Web
pages. Brainstorm subtopics for your site. Have a concise outline of the
information your site will contain.
The first page will be the main page showing a monthly
exercise challenge. This will show a month of working on the same exercise to
improve. This is for the minimalist. To the left there will be options to
choose, gym and home. By clicking on gym the viewer will be directed to a page
with a weekly exercise routine and a list of major muscles. Students can pick a
muscle group they want to work on and are provided with different exercises
focusing on that muscle.
A viewer can click on arms, for example and will be provided
with a list of exercises one can complete at the gym focusing on their arms. If
the reader clicks home, they will be provided with the same list of muscles and
will be provided with exercises one can complete at home focusing on the
muscle. On the main page there will also be an option to click on regarding
nutrition that will lead you to various nutritional information. Ideas for pre
and post workout snacks, breakfast, proper hydration, etc. Lastly there will be
an option to click called extras, this is information about sports, how to include
family members to exercise, and more.
• Target audience -
High school students are the
intended audience for this site. However, it is not limited to high school students, people of all ages
can benefit from this including physical education teachers and personal
• Design considerations. This site needs to be easy to use and motivating. Pictures,
graphics, and motivational quotes should be visible and appealing to the
viewers. Pictures and videos of how to complete different exercises may be extremely
helpful to viewers.
• Limiting factors -
Due to the intended audience many
viewers may be reading this on their personal device rather than on a computer. This may change the view and flow
of the site. Depending upon the viewer some exercises may be challenging due to
weather, for example, the site may suggest running for 15 minutes, and it may
be snowing outside to some viewers.
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